Wednesday, November 10, 2010

English is essential for professional development as psychology.

Actually, we are in a society totally globalizing, in which the connection between countries is increasingly. In addition, we can’t longer remain, as before, in one same place for all our life, because we often should study and work in distant locations different to where we were born. For this reason, not enough you known about the town where you live, are very necessary know about other places, cultures, etc.

Psychology is not unconnected of this and, one of the most important things in our formation as psychologist is learning english as a foreing language. For me, the english is essential for professional development as psychology, because we are constantly reading, doing researches and contacting other professionals from different countries. In my case, this is a bit problematic because I haven’t English training very well. However, in the Universidad de Chile considering how necessary of this, they had give me 4 courses of english.

When I was in the school never I have to read texts in English, but when I enter to university, it was increasingly necessary. I had that to read 1 text by week in English. And over de year, in the different subjects, I should read papers in English. So, the english courses that I took in the university have served me well, because I’ve learned enough to read the texts in English.

Related to the above, if I want to devote me to research, necessarily I should manage English to publish, because the most researches are written in that language. Currently, most of the work I have make for the university should carry an abstract in English, which at first was very difficult. But now, thanks to my learning in my English courses have improved grammar and vocabulary.

On the other hand, if I want to improve me as professional I should travel abroad (Europe or the U.S.) where there is a further development of the areas that I like in psychology. And wherever you go the most spoken language is English. So if you want to share with other professionals I should handle it very well for I can communicate and get the most benefit of my stay there.

In conclusion, the english is essential for professional development as psychology, because only by studying the psychology is constantly present: when I have to read papers, when I make some research and when to share with other professionals. So, it is very important for me that the university gives me the possibility to develop skills that allow me to be a better professional.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My house =)

Hi... Today I write about my home. So far I have lived in 2 different places. First I lived in Puente Alto, approximately until 6 years old. I haven’t fond memories of this time, so I do not like to remember this house.

Then we moved house to La Florida, my current residence. Here I have lived 16 years. I love my house, because it is different to the others. My house is of wood and it has several flats. For this reason, my house is vertical not horizontal.

My house is located in a convenient place, because it’s near the underground, of supermarket, of a mall and of a bank. Also, there are lots of shops.
About the danger, I think that all places are dangerous now, but my street the most of the time is safe and quiet.

Actually, I live with my parents, my brother and my 2 dogs: Nany and Doky.

With respect to my neighbors, I know them, but only by sight I haven’t shared much with them. However I consider that they are nice.

For me, my bedroom is the best place of my house, although it is smallest. In my bedroom there are: my computer, my bed, my clothes, my desk and a lot of memories such as photographic, letters, etc. Also, I love the color of the walls of my bedroom; it is a mixture of green and blue. In addition, my bedroom in summer is the places coldest of my house.

In the future, I would like to live in a house, because in the apartment there is not privacy and space little . Also, you can’t speak strong, singing, to have big pets, etc.

The dream house will be located in the field, with lots of nature and animals around. It not will be large, but it will have a huge courtyard. Also, near of my house there will be a river =).

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The environment

Hi. Today my post is related to looking after the environment. In reality, I love the environment and I hate when some pollute exceedingly. For example, I hate when they threw garbage on the ground. I think that they are really dirty and that they don’t matter the environment.

For me, the nature is very important, and when I see to the peoples destroying it I feel very bad. In fact, when I watched the films “Avatar, I felt that somehow as them, because they suffer with each damage that they or others people make to the nature .

I think that now there are many places where we can learn about environmentally friendly practices, for example trough the internet. In internet we can find many page that show how to care the environment. Also, we can learn in the street, in TV or in the university. In the university that I study I had learn some environmentally friendly practice, for example “we should not throw oil in the dishwasher, because it contaminate the water".

For me is so important not contaminate such as recycling, because in my opinion the nature is not our property and it is like one son that I should to care. For this I have incorporated recycling into my habits. For example, someone said that the easiest way to learn to recycle is to apply “the rule of the three R’s”: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.I always reusing everything since one clothes to food. Also, I always try of use my legs for to go everywhere.

However, I didn’t join or supported any eco-organizations and really I don’t know why. So maybe I need to do this.

To reduce my carbon footprint, I think that I haven’t done much. I only planted one plant when I was a child.

I think that to Santiago miss a bit much for regarding this issue, because I there is no awareness about it.

So a think that in to some extent i am a tree- hugger.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


The art such as the music is very important for me, because it is a way of expression only and special that to enable you connecting with your inner world.
I enjoy art, but I consider the music more stimulant than art. In that connection I don’t visited art museums, because it not attracts my attention.
When I was a child the art attracted me a lot, because I loved to draw and to paint. In this moment, my sister’s friend tells me about of Vicent van Gogh. I surprised a lot with his story and his painting. Vicent van Gogh was a painter neerlandés, he was one of the exponents principals of post-Impressionism. He painted 900 picture: 27 self-portrait and 148 watercolour.

So my favorite painter is Vicent van Gogh and his painting “The Starry Night” (De sterrennacht in neerlandés) is my favorite painting. This painting is very beautiful for me, it has colors surprising and it show clearly the way particular of to paint of Vicent van Gogh.

When I was child I participated in an art competition, but I not got some prize. There were many children participated. However when I grew I leave of draw and paint and I lost this skills.

With respect to modern art, precisely the modern art begins with the heritage of painters like Vicent van Gogh. So that I consider modern art really amazing. In addition, I’m impressed that emerged as an art in opposed to the traditional art, more academic, developing the art of experimentation.

In my opinion Picasso is an excellent painter, and his work is weird, but very astonishing. He had a form of express really amazing!.

Otherwise, I have seen graffiti beautiful, that it show a very good artistic level. But there is who take advantage of the situation and only destroy the city, that for me is vandalism.

Therefore, in my opinion the art is very important and amazing, although now it isn’t central in my life.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

I chose the news called “Hyperactive children may suffer from genetic disorder, says study”.
This news explains that the cause of illness of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) not falls in how parents educate, because the scientists published evidence that the condition is genetic. So, the ADHD could be classified as a neurodevelopmental disorder instead of a behavioral problem.
Also, the Dr Kate Langley exposed that different genetic factors will be involved along with other environmental factors.
The principal characteristics of Children with ADHD are difficulty for concentrate and their behavior uncontrollable in different contexts.
They arises that one in 50 children is affected by ADHD. Also it added that on occasion can remain in adult life.
The drug most widely used with these children is Ritalin, which is of the amphetamine family.
In addition, the low self esteem is highly related to ADHD, both children and adults. Therefore it is very important to be vigilant in those with the disease.

To me this news is very important, because I want to dedicate to Children’s Clinic, so I must know this type of disease.
However, yet I don’t believe that ADHD is a disease. I think that the children with ADHD are children corresponding to our time.
Our time has many stimuli from all sides to generate a different neuronal development before. Then I think that these children we must understand in this context and stop pathologizing.

For more information see:

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The film is to enjoy

Hi, today I write about the cinema. The first I say is: I love the cinema!!. It is very important in my life, because it give me a world of sensation, fantasy, dreams, etc.
I hardly ever go to the cinema, because I haven’t many money and times for do it more often. However I always try of to watch movies in my house through my computer, because I download or I watch movies on line in Internet. Also, I have never rent and I have rarely bought movies. So, I saw some popular films like this. I have saw “Gone with the wind”, “Psicosis”, “The exorcist”, The Clockwork Orange, among others.
I have many favorite films such as “The mist”, “PD: I love you”, “Big Fish”, “Schindler's List”, “Twilight”,"Edward Scissorhands", “Inception”, etc.
I went to the cinema 2 weeks ago. In this moment I saw “Inception”. It is a movie amazing and I love it. Dom Cobb (The protagonist) appropriates the secrets of the subconscious when the victims are dreaming. The plot revolves around the inception, which involves in that the protagonist introduces an idea in the subconscious instead of to steal it.

I'm not very good to see a movie several times, but Inception is a films so fascinating and complex, that I need to see it again. Inception’s good points are: an original plot, very good actors, excellent image and sound, the ability to contact you with various emotions such as: sadness, joy, anger, fear, among others. I think that the only weak point is the speed of the film, because it makes even more complex to understand. However totally I recommend it.
And my rating is 70. You must see!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

For tourists...

I was born in Santiago, exactly in Ñuñoa. I have lived all my life in Santiago and I don’t know many about other places of Chile. But, in spite of I was born here I neither know many Santiago. Even there are times that I feel like a tourist in my own city. However I recommend the following:

Currently, the first thing a foreigner tourist should visit in Santiago is “La Plaza de la Ciudadanía” (Plaza of Citizenship), located in front of the Moneda Palace, because in “La Plaza de la Ciudadanía” there is a big flag of country us. The flag is surprisingly big, it measuring 18 m (60 ft) in height and 27 m (90 ft) in length and it has 200 kilogram of weighs.

Also, they should visit “El Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes” (The National Museum of Fine Arts), because is a museum that shows the national artistic heritage through various activities such as exhibitions, lectures, conferences and seminars.

In addition, if the tourist wants to spend a pleasant and enjoyable time can go to “El Barrio Bellavista”. It is a place where popular bars, cultural centers and international cuisine coexist. Here the tourist can also access to parks, to Cerro San Cristobal where you find the zoo and they watch “El Río Mapocho” (The Mapocho River).

Other place that they should visit is “La Plaza de Armas”. It was the main civic center since the founding of the city by the Spanish. Therefore this place has a very old architecture such as “La Catedral Metropolitana de Santiago” (Santiago Metropolitan Cathedral). This Catedral is the sear of the Archdiocese of Santiago and the main temple of the Catholic Church in the country. Also, in the plaza you can be drawn by artists really good.

Finally, a tourist should go to eat to “El Mercado Central” (The Central Market). It is a place where you can enjoy of typical Chilean food such as: “Empanadas, Pastel de Choclo, Porotos con riendas, Mariscos, etc.”

Enjoy! =)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The music... my life

The music is really everything for me. The music change all my senses and leads me to a world of fantasy and happiness. When I heard music I fell very relaxed and this I like it.

I like all kinds of music for the simple fact of being music. Therefore it’s very difficult for me to decide my favorite music, artist, group, etc. The only that I dislike is the “Gutural”, because I think that not sounds nice. But anyway I would love to know to do.

My tastes vary in to hear one day hip hop music, rock next day, later pop music. In the end, depends of my mood, the place where I am, whatever I want to do, among other factors. The most important for me is that sounds good.

Now my favorite group is Faith No More(FNM), because I like this the kind of music and I love the voice of Mike Patton. I think that he is the best male singer. He can use his voice to multiple ways. I went to the concert that did FNM last year and it was really amazing. I yet get excited when I listen the recording of concert in Chile. Now I am very eager, because they come back here in December 5, and in two weeks more it will sell the ticket.

As well I like playing the guitar and I love singing. Since I was a child I have sung, but I don’t know many of music theory and less I know to read music.

For me the music is important to people and culture because the music connect us with our human nature and with the essence of life. Also the music have something that to together us with others and it does us love the world.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Egypt: a country amazing

Hi everybody, how are you?...
Me? I fine
A country I have always wanted to visit is Egypt. When I was a child I dreamed with I go there, because in the school I saw that it’s a country very beautiful, mystical and surprising. Moreover its culture is amazing.

Egypt is located at northeast of Africa on the Mediterranean Sea. Its History dates back to about 4000 b.c. Also, Egypt is famous for its ancient civilization and its monuments, like the pyramids and the Great Sphinx.

I have read a bit with regard to its ancient civilization and monuments. One day I heard that the Pyramids were related with the aliens, because it is said that by the glow they cast the pyramids, they send messages to extraterrestrial locations. I don’t know if this is so, but is really a mystery its structure, its shape and which have been made with gold (which shines in a surprising way, allowing viewing from outside the earth). For this razon and other more, is that there are many strange elements that enclose the Egyptian culture.

If I had enough money I would visit it. If I went there I would be very happy. I would visit all the monument and I would take many photographic.

I would love to study, to work and to live there, because I would know in depth the culture, its legends, its people, the language, its history, etc.

see you!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The last term...

Hello, my name is Stephanie Parada, I study psychology in this faculty. Now I am in my last semester of my career.
Really, the last term was for my very difficult. I often was about to get stressed, because it was a semester very intense in all aspect of my life.
With respect to the University’s demand was very high, however I learned many things about of my occupation and even myself. In addition, I found the area to which I want to spend when you finish the career. This is: Child Clinic.
Regarding to free time activities I practiced Arab dance and I had to make a presentation when the workshop ended. I love dance, but I don’t practice often, because my priority is other.
On the other hand, last term wasn’t so good with friends. I stopped seeing some of my friends, because we didn’t the same concept of friendships.
Really big challenges that I faced the previous semester had to do with the family. This year my family has had major problems, which affected me a lot.
In this respect, I think on an emotional level the previous semester was not very good for me. For this I hope this new semester is better!