Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The environment

Hi. Today my post is related to looking after the environment. In reality, I love the environment and I hate when some pollute exceedingly. For example, I hate when they threw garbage on the ground. I think that they are really dirty and that they don’t matter the environment.

For me, the nature is very important, and when I see to the peoples destroying it I feel very bad. In fact, when I watched the films “Avatar, I felt that somehow as them, because they suffer with each damage that they or others people make to the nature .

I think that now there are many places where we can learn about environmentally friendly practices, for example trough the internet. In internet we can find many page that show how to care the environment. Also, we can learn in the street, in TV or in the university. In the university that I study I had learn some environmentally friendly practice, for example “we should not throw oil in the dishwasher, because it contaminate the water".

For me is so important not contaminate such as recycling, because in my opinion the nature is not our property and it is like one son that I should to care. For this I have incorporated recycling into my habits. For example, someone said that the easiest way to learn to recycle is to apply “the rule of the three R’s”: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.I always reusing everything since one clothes to food. Also, I always try of use my legs for to go everywhere.

However, I didn’t join or supported any eco-organizations and really I don’t know why. So maybe I need to do this.

To reduce my carbon footprint, I think that I haven’t done much. I only planted one plant when I was a child.

I think that to Santiago miss a bit much for regarding this issue, because I there is no awareness about it.

So a think that in to some extent i am a tree- hugger.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


The art such as the music is very important for me, because it is a way of expression only and special that to enable you connecting with your inner world.
I enjoy art, but I consider the music more stimulant than art. In that connection I don’t visited art museums, because it not attracts my attention.
When I was a child the art attracted me a lot, because I loved to draw and to paint. In this moment, my sister’s friend tells me about of Vicent van Gogh. I surprised a lot with his story and his painting. Vicent van Gogh was a painter neerlandés, he was one of the exponents principals of post-Impressionism. He painted 900 picture: 27 self-portrait and 148 watercolour.

So my favorite painter is Vicent van Gogh and his painting “The Starry Night” (De sterrennacht in neerlandés) is my favorite painting. This painting is very beautiful for me, it has colors surprising and it show clearly the way particular of to paint of Vicent van Gogh.

When I was child I participated in an art competition, but I not got some prize. There were many children participated. However when I grew I leave of draw and paint and I lost this skills.

With respect to modern art, precisely the modern art begins with the heritage of painters like Vicent van Gogh. So that I consider modern art really amazing. In addition, I’m impressed that emerged as an art in opposed to the traditional art, more academic, developing the art of experimentation.

In my opinion Picasso is an excellent painter, and his work is weird, but very astonishing. He had a form of express really amazing!.

Otherwise, I have seen graffiti beautiful, that it show a very good artistic level. But there is who take advantage of the situation and only destroy the city, that for me is vandalism.

Therefore, in my opinion the art is very important and amazing, although now it isn’t central in my life.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

I chose the news called “Hyperactive children may suffer from genetic disorder, says study”.
This news explains that the cause of illness of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) not falls in how parents educate, because the scientists published evidence that the condition is genetic. So, the ADHD could be classified as a neurodevelopmental disorder instead of a behavioral problem.
Also, the Dr Kate Langley exposed that different genetic factors will be involved along with other environmental factors.
The principal characteristics of Children with ADHD are difficulty for concentrate and their behavior uncontrollable in different contexts.
They arises that one in 50 children is affected by ADHD. Also it added that on occasion can remain in adult life.
The drug most widely used with these children is Ritalin, which is of the amphetamine family.
In addition, the low self esteem is highly related to ADHD, both children and adults. Therefore it is very important to be vigilant in those with the disease.

To me this news is very important, because I want to dedicate to Children’s Clinic, so I must know this type of disease.
However, yet I don’t believe that ADHD is a disease. I think that the children with ADHD are children corresponding to our time.
Our time has many stimuli from all sides to generate a different neuronal development before. Then I think that these children we must understand in this context and stop pathologizing.

For more information see: