Wednesday, November 10, 2010

English is essential for professional development as psychology.

Actually, we are in a society totally globalizing, in which the connection between countries is increasingly. In addition, we can’t longer remain, as before, in one same place for all our life, because we often should study and work in distant locations different to where we were born. For this reason, not enough you known about the town where you live, are very necessary know about other places, cultures, etc.

Psychology is not unconnected of this and, one of the most important things in our formation as psychologist is learning english as a foreing language. For me, the english is essential for professional development as psychology, because we are constantly reading, doing researches and contacting other professionals from different countries. In my case, this is a bit problematic because I haven’t English training very well. However, in the Universidad de Chile considering how necessary of this, they had give me 4 courses of english.

When I was in the school never I have to read texts in English, but when I enter to university, it was increasingly necessary. I had that to read 1 text by week in English. And over de year, in the different subjects, I should read papers in English. So, the english courses that I took in the university have served me well, because I’ve learned enough to read the texts in English.

Related to the above, if I want to devote me to research, necessarily I should manage English to publish, because the most researches are written in that language. Currently, most of the work I have make for the university should carry an abstract in English, which at first was very difficult. But now, thanks to my learning in my English courses have improved grammar and vocabulary.

On the other hand, if I want to improve me as professional I should travel abroad (Europe or the U.S.) where there is a further development of the areas that I like in psychology. And wherever you go the most spoken language is English. So if you want to share with other professionals I should handle it very well for I can communicate and get the most benefit of my stay there.

In conclusion, the english is essential for professional development as psychology, because only by studying the psychology is constantly present: when I have to read papers, when I make some research and when to share with other professionals. So, it is very important for me that the university gives me the possibility to develop skills that allow me to be a better professional.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My house =)

Hi... Today I write about my home. So far I have lived in 2 different places. First I lived in Puente Alto, approximately until 6 years old. I haven’t fond memories of this time, so I do not like to remember this house.

Then we moved house to La Florida, my current residence. Here I have lived 16 years. I love my house, because it is different to the others. My house is of wood and it has several flats. For this reason, my house is vertical not horizontal.

My house is located in a convenient place, because it’s near the underground, of supermarket, of a mall and of a bank. Also, there are lots of shops.
About the danger, I think that all places are dangerous now, but my street the most of the time is safe and quiet.

Actually, I live with my parents, my brother and my 2 dogs: Nany and Doky.

With respect to my neighbors, I know them, but only by sight I haven’t shared much with them. However I consider that they are nice.

For me, my bedroom is the best place of my house, although it is smallest. In my bedroom there are: my computer, my bed, my clothes, my desk and a lot of memories such as photographic, letters, etc. Also, I love the color of the walls of my bedroom; it is a mixture of green and blue. In addition, my bedroom in summer is the places coldest of my house.

In the future, I would like to live in a house, because in the apartment there is not privacy and space little . Also, you can’t speak strong, singing, to have big pets, etc.

The dream house will be located in the field, with lots of nature and animals around. It not will be large, but it will have a huge courtyard. Also, near of my house there will be a river =).