Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The last term...

Hello, my name is Stephanie Parada, I study psychology in this faculty. Now I am in my last semester of my career.
Really, the last term was for my very difficult. I often was about to get stressed, because it was a semester very intense in all aspect of my life.
With respect to the University’s demand was very high, however I learned many things about of my occupation and even myself. In addition, I found the area to which I want to spend when you finish the career. This is: Child Clinic.
Regarding to free time activities I practiced Arab dance and I had to make a presentation when the workshop ended. I love dance, but I don’t practice often, because my priority is other.
On the other hand, last term wasn’t so good with friends. I stopped seeing some of my friends, because we didn’t the same concept of friendships.
Really big challenges that I faced the previous semester had to do with the family. This year my family has had major problems, which affected me a lot.
In this respect, I think on an emotional level the previous semester was not very good for me. For this I hope this new semester is better!